The 23rd Annual Commission for Employment Equity Report released!

Jun 30, 2023 | FYI's

On Friday, 23 June 2023, the 23rd Annual Commission for Employment Equity Report was released.

In a Media Statement released on, the following was stated:

“The Commission for Employment Equity (CEE) Report continues to show a bleak and slow picture of transformation in the country the media was told in Johannesburg on Thursday.

Tabea Kabinde, Chairperson of the CEE, was launching the 23rd CEE Report and handing it to the Minister of Employment and Labour at an event also attended by entities of the Department of Employment and Labour.

“The report shows that top management is still occupied by whites at 62.9 per cent followed by Africans at 16.9 per cent.

This is despite the fact that Africans constitute 80 per cent of the national economically active population (NEAP), followed by Coloureds at 9.3 per cent, Whites at 8 per cent and lastly, Indians at 2.7 per cent,” said Kabinde.

Another factor that shows incongruence is the issue of numbers in terms of professionally qualified by population group where Africans are at 48.4per cent, followed by whites at 30 per cent, Coloureds at 9.9 per cent, Indians at 9.3 per cent and foreign nationals at 2.4 per cent. 

“We are disappointed and angry because of the injustices that prevail as shown by the painfully slow pace of transformation in the workplace.  I am embarrassed that after so many years of bringing about social justice, we are still far from achieving our employment equity targets. 

In accepting the 23rd CEE Report, Minister Thulas Nxesi, said he was disappointed that the pace of transformation nothing to boast about.

“Self-regulation of employment equity targets has not moved the needle to expedite change in the workplace. I am perturbed by the way some politicians have maliciously racialized the whole concept of employment equity to divide the population.

I also want to dispel false claims that South Africa stands to lose thousands of jobs from Coloureds and Indians as they get dismissed to make way for employers to achieve targets. The law will not allow that to happen. These scare tactics and bizarre claims by politicians should be seen for what they are,” Minister said.”

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