Other Services

We are directly or indirectly, through our extensive network of alliances, able to provide the following services:

Corporate Treasury

Through our alliance with Personal Trust, we are able to negotiate preferential interest rates on your behalf.

Through this facility, you are able to earn bulk cash rates on smaller deposits.

Human Resources

Due to the changes in the labour legislation, the complex and specialised nature of employing staff, and the increased need for equal employee representation, companies are wary about employing staff.

We offer a comprehensive consultancy service to assist you in all of these areas, including:

  • Payroll Services
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Employment Contracts
  • Employee Incentive Schemes
  • Salary Structuring
  • Employment Equity Compliance
  • Staff Recruitment


Through our alliances with several financial institutions, we are able to assist you with the evaluation and restructuring of your local and foreign investment portfolios to ensure the maximum effectiveness of your investments.

MD’s Alliance Partners